


題目一:樹仁大學語言中心計劃在 Threads 上開設帳號。請撰寫中心簡介,吸引學生關注。


題目三:撰寫一段棟篤笑(粵)/單口相聲(普)獨白。要求從日常生活中取材, 但不能涉及人身攻擊。


題目一:透過與 GPT 的多輪對話,設計一個具有創意的教案。對象是樹仁大一學生, 課時為50分鐘, 課堂內容和主題不限, 但必須包含課堂活動, 以及要有電子教學元素。

題目二:組織一系列對話以創建一部以生態保護為主題的動畫片的故事情節, ​​​目標對象是香港小學生。

題目三:按照樹仁大學2021-2025策略發展計劃​​​為藍本, 設計2026-2030的策略發展計劃。要求有創新元素, 也要提供設計理念和原因。


冠軍:洪黛宜 亞軍:李冠權 季軍:麥澤城

"The proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years has been truly remarkable, with the breadth of its functionalities and the pace of its progress eliciting a sense of wonder. Nonetheless, such technological instruments remain fundamentally subservient to human agency. Artificial intelligence can only actualize its potential through the provision of human directives and guidance. As such, the question of how best to issue instructions to AI systems has assumed paramount importance.

The provision of appropriate and precise directives, as well as the discernment of the quality of the resulting output, necessitates users to command an elevated level of linguistic facility and cultural erudition. The optimal avenue for acquiring such perspicacity is through the pursuit of reading; no alternative pathways exist. Reading not merely enhances one's literary refinement and linguistic acumen but also elevates one's personal cultivation and scholarly expertise. While this recommendation may be perceived as a hackneyed platitude, reading indubitably holds the capacity to augment human mastery in the utilization of artificial intelligence.

Furthermore, engaging with the world can enrich one's inner self. At times, relinquishing one's smart devices and venturing into the world, acquiring a grounded comprehension of its intricacies, can significantly expand one's knowledge and enable the more seamless integration of artificial intelligence applications into the fabric of everyday life.

Wish you all embrace the playful potential of artificial intelligence!"